
Moms Stop the Harm is a Canadian registered not for profit organization. We operate solely on donations from our supporters and provincial and federal grants.

All funds donated are used to support our work with families who have been affected by problematic substance use and to advocate for evidence based drug policies.

MSTH is not affiliated with the views and goals of individuals or organizations who support us financially.

Please note: If you are making a donation “in memory of” a loved one, please include that information in your donation so that we can account for it properly.

Thank you for donating to the cause of keeping Canada’s loved ones alive.


We have 3 methods of payments for donations:

1. Donate via e-transfer to for donations without a tax receipt. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, helps us continue our advocacy work in raising awareness about substance use and advocating for better support systems. Remember to write "donation" in the comment or memo section to ensure your generosity is allocated correctly to our cause. Thank you for standing with us in this important mission.

Donate Now

2. Donations can be made through your PayPal account by clicking the red button. No tax receipt available.

PayPal can be set up to include credit card payments. Please add “donation” in your comment or memo line. (no tax deductible receipt)

3. Alternatively, we also welcome donations through cheques (without a tax-deductible receipt) that can be made out to Moms Stop The Harm Society and sent to our address at Moms Stop the Harm, PO Box 24033, RPO Broadmead, Victoria BC V8X 0B2. Your support is greatly appreciated.


For voting members to pay their annual membership fee use E-Transfer (preferred), Paypal or Cheque methods listed above. With your payment please add “membership fee” in your comment or memo line.