Annual Reports and Documents:

The primary purpose of an Annual Report is to provide our members, partners, stakeholders and other interested parties with a summarized description of Moms Stop The Harm’s activities during the year. Annual General Meeting and other yearly documents will also be available on this page.

YEAR 2023/2024

YEAR 2022/2023

Screenshot of the top of the MSTH annual report.  Text states 2022/23 Annual Report. Image of a cloudy sky with two people standing on a peak. The MSTH logo (round with red circla, white centre, black tree of life and words Moms Stop the Harm)

Due to a change in year-end the 2022/23 fiscal year is from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

YEAR 2021/2022

Screenshot of annual report cover page. Chalk outline of bodies on pavement. MSTH logo and words Annual Report 2021-2022

YEAR 2020/2021

2020-2021 Annual Rep.png

YEAR 2019/2020