Join the Network
Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH) is a network of Canadian families impacted by substance-use related harms and deaths.
Families are not only the people we are related to. MSTH defines families as those that are acquired, by birth or chosen, whatever may be the case for you.
Most families become network members because they need support due to the loss of a loved one by substance use or for a loved one who has lived (current) or living (past) experience with problematic substance use. Upon joining you learn more about our on-line and regional support groups.
Others join not only for support, but also to become active as advocates, or as an ally in advocacy. As advocates, we get involved locally, regionally and some of us nationally. We share information, and work jointly, as well as independently, and most importantly we support each other emotionally. We do so in keeping with MSTH Mission, Vision, and Values.
How can I get involved?
As Network Member
Network members include individuals who:
Have lost a loved one to substance-use related causes.
Have a family member who is using substances or is in recovery.
Are family members or close friends of network members.
A person who is or has used substances.
We hope that network members will support our efforts by contributing photos of their loved ones to our galleries, join us for our memorial photos, adding their names to letters we write, coming to regional events, and sharing the information from our social media platforms.
As Advocates
Advocates, including professional allies are members who want to work with our board and regional leaders towards achieving MSTH Mission, Vision and Values. Some of our professional allies also join us as advocates.
Advocacy activities include:
Meetings with political leaders
Media and social media work
Talks and presentations
Anti-stigma anti-discrimination and drug policy reform campaigns
Groups, committees & commissions - all levels of government as well as professional organizations
Research projects (CRISM, BCCSU)
Our Advocates Handbook is a resource to get you started.
How active you are as an advocate, varies greatly depending on your personal situation, skills and interests. It is up to you and we all work together to bring about change. If you are new to advocacy we will help you get started. To be part of the network does not obligate any of us to do anything you are not comfortable with.
As a voting member (please join the network first - see link below)
Voting members are a special membership class according to our bylaws. They must be network members of MSTH and voting membership must be renewed annually. Only voting members are able to vote at the Annual General Meeting. Voting membership term is April 1 to March 31, yearly.
$10 Annual Fee can be paid by e-transfer to
Why get involved?
To support one another, to build strengths and resilience in our communities, and to achieve our mission “to advocate to end substance-use related stigma, harms, and death”. We do so to support our loved ones we are fighting for and in memory of those we lost.
The families of Moms Stop The Harm.