This is your invitation to participate in the 2020 International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) events with Moms Stop The Harm.
Purple is the colour adopted by IOAD which is recognized around the world each year on August 31st. Ribbons have long been displayed as a token of remembrance. They are powerful symbols of ties that bind.
Please join Moms Stop The Harm, as we tie ribbons for all those lost who were “Somebody’s Someone.”
Throughout August and leading up to International Overdose Awareness Day, we encourage you to wear purple as often as you can and to tie a purple ribbon of remembrance in honour of loved ones lost to overdose and drug harms.
Ribbons can be wrapped around trees outside of our houses, on lamp and sign posts, or fences and railings. In some cities families have also tied ribbons in public spaces like bridges, park benches or trees in parks (don’t forget to remove the ribbon later). It is helpful to include a small laminated sign, perhaps with a picture of your loved one, explaining the significance of IOAD to you. Be creative!
We ask that you Include a reference to Moms Stop The Harm, ideally the website (, so people who need support can find and connect with us.
We also invite you to share photos of your remembrance ribbon(s) on the Purple Ribbon for Overdose Awareness Facebook group page or visit the group page for inspiration: