Overdose Crisis Public Forum

Vancouver, December 8, 2016

I just want to say thanks to our Leslie McBain for her inspiring, passionate and powerful talk which she gave at the Overdose Crisis Public Forum which was held here at Vancouver City Hall on December 8. I was there and heard her speaking, and was so proud of her; I wanted to jump up and clap and yell out loud!

The forum was fully packed and people were standing outside. Along with Leslie, the panel speakers included Dr. Patricia Daly, Chief Medical Health Office for Vancouver; Al Fowler, President of BC Association of People on Methadone; Adam Palmer, Chief Constable Vancouver Police Department; Sarah Heneghan, Urban Native Youth Association; Patrick Smith, Director of Aboriginal Health, Portland Community Services Society; Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson.

There were representations from all parts of society including several MLAs, several City Councillors, many doctors and nurses and emergency responders, people with addictions, people working in addictions outreach, and interested members of the public. It was a very important and successful meeting, and after the panel speakers, a round-table discussion was held with everyone giving their input. Leslie made sure the parent/family message was heard loud and clear and that people understand that those who died are loved and dearly missed, not just statistics.

Patricia Hamilton, Victoria, BC