Black Balloon Day 2023
On March 6th, families and loved ones across the world will display black balloons in remembrance of those we have lost to overdose, drug poisoning and other substance-related harms.
To mark this day, Overdose Awareness Manitoba, Overdose Awareness Edmonton, AB Canada, & MomsStopTheHarm, will be running a Canada-wide movement called the Black Balloon Campaign.
If you have lost a loved one or have been impacted by this tragic crisis, we are calling on you to share a photo with a black balloon.
Get creative and share a photo on social media. The photo can be whatever you want to represent your loved one and to raise awareness to the crisis that is taking so many of our loved ones much too soon. When sharing your photo include a few sentences on how the crisis has impacted you and the city and province you are from.
Once you share your photo on social media, please tag it #blackballoonday2023, #momsstoptheharm, #overdoseawarenessmanitoba, #overdoseawarenessedmonton
Please note – Overdose Awareness Manitoba, Overdose Awareness Edmonton and Moms Stop The Harm, DO NOT SUPPORT BALLOON RELEASES.