MSTH Virtual Annual General Meeting June 5, 2021
The Moms Stop The Harm Board of Directors cordially invites you to join our virtual Annual General Meeting and Business meeting on Saturday, June 5, 2021, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (PST) via Zoom.
Our keynote speaker this year is Guy Felicella. He speaks from his lived experience with substance use and his journey to recovery. He works as a Peer Clinical Advisor at the BC Centre on Substance Use and is a fierce advocate for harm reduction and a safer supply. He lives in Vancouver with his wife and three children.
Date and Time: June 5 at 10 Pacific Daylight Time via Zoom
To Register please click here
Agenda: More detailed agenda available here:
Call to order - Board Chair Leslie McBain
Land acknowledgement - Leslie McBain
Greetings from our Board Chair Leslie McBain
Keynote speaker - Guy Felicella -- What is Safe[r] Supply and why we urgently need it?
Approval of the agenda
Approval of the minutes from the last virtual AGM held on May 30, 2020.
Financial Reports presented by MSTH treasurer Annie Storie
Acknowledgement of outgoing Board Members Helen Jennens and Sheila Jennings (Leslie, Petra)
Introduction of Board of Directors and Board Candidates 2021
Election of the Board of Directors for the MSTH Society
Our Position on Decriminalization - Board vice-chair Petra Schulz
News for 2021 - Stronger Together projects, planned actions and more
Member check-in (depending on time and numbers)
Closing remarks from the Board Chair - Leslie McBain