Moms Stop the Harm is proud to announce the launch of our new logo…

Moms Stop the Harm is proud to announce the launch of our new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our organization.

Our network has grown to over 2,000 families across Canada and we have evolved from three grieving Moms who co-founded MSTH in 2016, to the compassionate support network and an organization of strong advocates that we are today.

We have updated our logo to refresh who we are now and to symbolize our ongoing commitment to families who are grieving the loss of a loved one to substance harms, people in recovery and people who use drugs.


Proud as we are of our history, we strived to maintain our iconic and recognizable logo as we looked to a new logo for the future. The updated image of the stylized tree of life holding us all in hopeful and helping positions, encircled with a strong red, speaks to our core values of dignity, caring and equality for all. The entwined limbs of the tree speak to our value of “our partnerships and teamwork with other individuals and organizations, recognizing the united family voice for change as an integral part of a greater movement”. 

In the upcoming months, we will update all our literature, other printed materials and our online presence with the new logo.

Finally, Moms Stop the Harm would like to extend a sincere thank you to Jennie Grimard for her patience with our many revisions and for the beautiful design work on our new logo.

Sincerely, Leslie McBain & Petra Schulz